Novum Classicum
Ex Omnibus Linguis, Una Latinitas
Our mission is to translate the knowledge of the world into Latin, forge connections between diverse cultures and ideas. We are dedicated to revitalizing the Latin language and making more works available. We offer resources, translations, and educational information, enabling Latin enthusiasts and scholars alike to delve into a wealth of knowledge spanning from antiquity to the present day using the most advanced artificial intelligence systems. Let us rediscover the beauty and eloquence of Latin, bridging the gap between past and present, and uniting people from all corners of the globe through the power of a shared language.
Consilium nostrum est scientiam orbis terrarum in Latinum vertere, nexus inter culturas diversas et cogitationes creare. Ad linguam Latinam revivificandam et ad plura opera patefacienda nos dedicamus. Auxilia, translationes vel interpretationes, necnon documenta didactica praebemus, ut Latinitatis studiosi et docti pariter in scientiae thesaurum aetatis antiquae ad tempora nostra pertingentem per potentissima systemata intellegentiae artificialis intrent. Pulchritudinem et eloquentiam linguae Latinae iterum inveniamus, praeteritum et praesens coniungentes, et homines ex omnibus terrarum angulis per vim linguae communis unientes.
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